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Dry Plants


"This is a long read about 4 different mediums/psychics. I have had readings done by Amy Chieng, Jasmin, Ashley, and Dallisa. Before anyone believes I prioritized these ladies by what I wanted to hear, they all told me my current partner was not the one for me so that is not the case lol I am a believer that with time our readings can change, as we change paths. However, I wanted to rate my experiences in further detail (1. Being the best to the least best experience). All ladies were very kind and all sessions were virtual.

1. Amy Chieng is the real deal. If you want to connect with a loved one, she has a gift from God.  She was raw, told me things only I knew about  with no backstory, and did not sugarcoat anything even serious matters. Amy is very kind, genuine, and I got the pleasure of requesting a tarot reading from her later down the road. Amy advised that she was new to using cards, but it's pretty obvious she communicates with spirit for answers directly. She has the strongest gift and has been spot on about a lot. I wish I could keep her as my little secret, but she deserves all the recognition in the world.


When I had another reading with Amy Chieng, I described my experience with Ashley(without mentioning her name) and she said spirit told her my session was not cleansed all the way from the previous one. Naturally, Amy had the answer without me mentioning that portion to her lol  Ashley did stop the reading at the beginning since she forgot to do the cleanse in the beginning, and quickly did it before moving forward with more information. I have nothing against Ashley, she did not cause my phone to die, the weird feeling was within me. Her character is very kind, and she seeks to heal. I would go back for another session. I would particularly recommend her for fertility read since she was able to predict that I had lost a child.


Overall, I've spent quite a bit of money on all ladies lol but before you judge, it has been worthwhile. My first reading ever was with Amy and she changed me from being a doubter to a believer about psychics and the spiritual world. After my experience with her, I was motivated to find more out there. Amy has made me feel closer to closure with past loved ones and I don't regret finding this gem. Thank you for all that you do. I hope this helps someone else who is looking for a particular read."

Amy C.

Sacramento, CA

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